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Securities and Exchange Commission Officials Watched Porn while the Economy Tanked.

So check out the link. I'll give you a brief summary. The officials in SEC spent up to 8 hours a day looking at porn while the economy tanked.

Yeahh, so I almost don't know what else there is to say. The story itself is basically the punch line.

The problem with government appears to be its reliance on people. Maybe we should just have a computer run the government.Pow and or Ka'kow. Problem solved.

That is, until someone downloads a whole crap-load of porn and viruses on the government computer and it starts asking us if we want to meet sexy singles in our area and stealing our credit card info.

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Health Care


Congress completes overhaul of health care - Yahoo! News

OK, America. Let's have a talk.
Democrats, you are sneaky. I respect that.
Republicans... wtf are you even talking about? I want to stay unpartisan but... damn... I can't even follow the logic anymore...

The media keeps referring to this as an "epic struggle" or as a historic moment. OK, that's fair, it's a major overhaul of an industry. But here is why it's really historic. The Democrats actually got something done. After, like, 60 years of being the Denver Broncos of the political arena and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, the democrats did something all by themselves. So, yay, or whatever. That could be good or bad.
Now whether or not the bill is a good or bad thing is a completely different subject. All I know is something had to be done. I believe access to health care and not dying young, in pain and in debt would probably fall under the umbrella of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Incidentally, an interesting poll I saw, shows that the young, in pain and in debt tend to agree and favor health care reform. Now you may say, "What?! OMG! A fact?!"
Yes that's right, a fact. They still exits. Use them for this debate people, come on.

The Health Care Bill is a piece of crap. It's going to be a huge mess, cause debt and such, but it's also going to help a lot of people. And yes, it will need to be redone in about ten years, but that's what America is all about. Slooow, agonizing, incremental change by committee.

One last thing. How is this starting a slide into communism? Even socialism for that matter? It's all subsides, without a single payer. It's the least inefficient thing that could ever exist, but its not communism. Also, a brief reminder of what communism is. Communist states are formed when the lower classes are tired of dying young, poor, and in debt so they kill the upper classes and share the wealth-- and then fail miserably because Marx forgot that given the chance, people will always do sh**iest thing they can get away with. If we consider roots Communism then light socialism actually protects democracy.
Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most is that now I feel like I have to pick sides. I pride myself on being non-partisan, but now I can't vote for a republican because I'm afraid they'll repeal us back into the stone age while screaming stupid slogans against things that don't exist.

Boy I feel bad for not making this one as funny as usual and I imagine my one or two readers will be disappointed and may even be riled up by the political content. So watch the video below to help you calm down.

Please feel free to disagree with me. I have no problems with a good debate, just keep it rational and tell me about in the comments below.




Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: \ˈa-və-ˌtär\
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatāraḥ descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over.

1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity
4 : an electronic image that represents and is manipulated by a computer user (as in a computer game)
5: a film by James Cameron. Aka: ; "Fern Gully Two: Dances with Smurfs"

Ok, so I'm a bit late on this one. What can I say, I'm not a trendsetter, I'm a "oh yeah, I have something to say about that now that it's four months later," kind of guy.

First of all, the movie looked amazing. I saw it in 3D and I'm pretty sure I got some of the ash floating around in one scene in my eye. As I suggested above, the story itself was a mashup of "Dances with wolves" and "Fern Gully" but it was still well within the tolerable zone. Although there is the racial subplot aspect that some people have noted. A kind of whiteman savior plot. "Oh my, now the blue people can't take care of themselves, thank god there is an all american white guy here to save them."

Here's something I am not excited about seeing. "Avatar 2: Nuclear Winter on Pandora." What exactly do we think is going to happen? Sure the giant shark-rhinos came to the rescue, but human's are remarkably persistent and capable of serious ingenuity when tasked with pillaging the environment, engaging in genocide, and other general forms of douchebaggery on an tragic scale. Unless there is some sort of smurf-space-shark, I foresee some orbital bombardment in the sequel.

Finally my last question is about the animals and aliens in this movie. As a contributor on put it: "Sure, it may have made more biological sense for Jake Sully to fall in love with, say, a sentient ball of tar. But that would have deprived the viewing audience of something far more important than scientific accuracy: alien boobies."

Over all, I did enjoy the movie, but I enjoy the criticisms of it almost as much. I just wish they were in 3D like the alien boobs were...




Pronunciation: \-ˈplȯi-mənt\
Function: noun
Date: 1888

1 : the state of being unemployed : involuntary idleness of workers; also : the rate of such unemployment

2: an activity that sounds like it should be called FUNemployment at first, but after while just becomes boring.

Obviously this subject is a multifaceted one. It is generally agreed that 'unemployment' is the sitting presidents fault no matter what some "facts" or "reality" may claim. It is therefore with great sorrow that I inform you, my loyal readers--myself and this other guy who can't figure out how to remove an RSS feed--that president Obama has not yet given me a job.

Unemployment sounds so glamorous at first. Finally, you can sit around in your boxers all day and watch TV without some boss, or professor telling you to get back to work. Now you have time to work on all those projects you've been meaning to get to. You know the ones I'm talking about; learning to moonwalk, writing a screenplay, becoming fluent in a foreign language, watching every episode South Park ever made. Yeah all 20 seasons. I did it one glorious unemployed summer in college.

So that takes care of the first three or four days, but after that things start to go downhill. Without something productive to do the human mind atrophies and requires a dramatic increase in ice cream consumption.

So before long the day is spent refreshing craigslist and coming up with businesses you could start. Personally, I'm going to be starting a multinational bar/nightclub/bakery/desktop publishing/rock band/movie studio some time this week. As soon as that loan comes through... and I have all the necessary skills...

Soon it becomes obvious that no matter how good you are or well-qualified for the job, the Michael Jordan of copyediting, or law, or graphic arts, or whatever is somehow job hunting also and been ordained by God himself to take that job.

Hang in there everyone. I'm sure the media will decide that the president does want us to have jobs pretty soon and things will turn around.




Main Entry: goo·gle
Pronunciation: \ˈgü-gəl\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): goo·gled; goo·gling \-g(ə-)liŋ\
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Google, trademark for a search engine
Date: 2001

1: to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the World Wide Web

2: A living mind that will enslave the human race.

Google is a kind and benevolent search engine that will always be our friend and deliver prompt accurate information.............................

Ok, I think Google only searches the first 50 characters of a post so we should be safe now.

Let's be honest here. Google is designed like the human mind. It is a network of millions of computers controlled by a several central databases. It is designed to learn from what we search--so best limit naughty searches or google is going to get a complex.

Anyhow. There is a small, hidden and well controlled part of me that entertains the concerns of a paranoid schizophrenic. I think I'm not the only one who has it. I know you all have it too. Don't you? huh? yeah, you know you do.
It's this part of your mind that isn't actually kidding when you say "I have a zombie plan," and the part that reminds you to check for toilet snakes before seating yourself.

Anyway, It's this part of my brain that believes that "Skynet," in the Terminator, will actually be called Google. Granted it will sound much more silly to have the last remnant of the human race hunted down and "Googled," to death but that's Hollywood for you, always trying to make things sound more dramatic. Psh... Skynet. I assume instead of the Governator the Terminator will be Urkel. "Did I do that! Bwahaha."

My natural reaction to this realization is to create a "Google Resistance Plan," I am, however, unsure how to build a electro-magnetic pulse weapon without googling it... What am I supposed to use? Bing? Hahahahaha. *Edit: It appears that it's too late. Google has already taken its first city!*
