Main Entry: swine flu
Function: noun
Date: 1921
`1: swine influenza; also : influenza A of humans that is caused by a different strain of an orthomyxovirus subtype (H1N1) from those found in swine and that is marked especially by fever, sore throat, cough, chills, body aches, fatigue, and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.
2: The next fad in "Sh** That Will Kill Us"
Not really. You can be slightly concerned, or worried, but no more. Or you may be excited! After all this is starting to feel like the apocalypse! (see apocalypse entry).
You should be skeptical. Wash my hands? Yes I hear that's what they did for the plague too. Please. Maybe I should also chew on a magic twig and wrap myself in saran wrap and duck-tape. Besides we all know it's everyone else who is going to get it. So run around cough on someone, lick a pig, you'll be fine.... Just remember to wash your hands afterward....
This song has been circulating and I thought it was amusing.

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