Hooray! It's the legendary end of days. The world falls into chaos, society degenerates, and zombies are everywhere. So grab your double mini-uzis, your gas powered shotgun and mounted mini-cannon and get ready to role! To clarify, you are more than a bit excited! You may also want to practice striking a heroic pose. For example walk over the top of a hill with the blood-red sunset backlighting you, both Uzis hanging at your side and trench coat flapping in the wind. You may also want to come up with an "Apocalypse Soundtrack," while all of the good artists are still alive. I suggest music from Muse or another epic sounding band. Blasting these songs from your humvee as you strike the afore mentioned heroic pose is sure to strike fear into the hearts of enemies. Assuming they have hearts.
The unfortunate part of all this is that 90% of humanity will be dead. So make sure you find yourself a smokin' hot parter who can run around with you, kick ass, and re-populate the human race with you. (bow chika bow wow)

The apocalypse