It's not that great, you hardly even look at it... wait it's Wednesday? Holy crap, I've been logged since last thursday... Who's birthday is it, do I have any new friends? What's that girl got on her head in her profile picture... hey! That jerk hit me with a sheep!.....
Although Facebook is the far less seedy alternative to myspace, you can still enjoy some mostly harmless cyberstalking. Find out that girl's favorite bands so you can casually mention them in conversation, or if that guy holding a beerbong in his profile picture is single. This is far more effective and safer than the older method of holding an actual conversation with human beings.
Another nifty trick is the status update. You can let hundreds of casual acquaintances know how miserable you are over blowing your final exam, or how in love you are with your boyfriend/girlfriend of the past six hours. Near strangers love nothing more than some cyber-whining (A note to my FB friends, yes, I am aware I complain constantly on there. My status right now should read: "Kyle is being a hypocrite.")
Yes, there is no reason to spend as much time there as you do, but it seems to happen anyway. So embrace the FB (I pronounce it Ff-Buh) and start poking some people!
Here is a good video I found on facebook about facebook.

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